IBM has reduced its number of internal applications by 70%, but that's not enough for CIO Jeanette Horan.
When the company started its consolidation effort, it had about 16,000 applications. It has since cut that number to 4,500, "but it's still too many," Horan said.Horan has given her IT team the task of cutting the number of remaining applications in half by the end of 2015. That would result in an overall reduction of about 85% from the original 16,000.
When the company started its consolidation effort, it had about 16,000 applications. It has since cut that number to 4,500, "but it's still too many," Horan said.Horan has given her IT team the task of cutting the number of remaining applications in half by the end of 2015. That would result in an overall reduction of about 85% from the original 16,000.
IBM's goal is to have common global applications across all business units.
If you've got different applications in different countries, you don't have a global process," said Horan, who was appointed to her post one year ago.
The IT department provides employees with virtual server space and middleware to develop their own applications to serve specific needs. IBM has 100,000 registered users in the program. In some cases, these app projects may lead to something that the IT department will support in a production environment or may even turn up as a feature in a software product, said Horan
Admin :: Balwant If you've got different applications in different countries, you don't have a global process," said Horan, who was appointed to her post one year ago.
The IT department provides employees with virtual server space and middleware to develop their own applications to serve specific needs. IBM has 100,000 registered users in the program. In some cases, these app projects may lead to something that the IT department will support in a production environment or may even turn up as a feature in a software product, said Horan
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