Monday, 30 April 2012

Adobe Launches Creative Suite 6

Adobe Systems has launched Adobe Creative Suite 6 product line for design, Web and video professionals in India. The new releases include 14 CS6 applications and four Creative Suites, namely, CS 6 Design & Web Premium, CS 6 Design Standard, CS 6 Production Premium and CS 6 Master Collection.
In addition, Adobe announced support for 10 Indian languages in InDesign CS6, the launch of an online store and an increased focus on the video and broadcast industry. In the latest release, InDesign CS6 software offers support for Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Oriya, Malayalam, and Kannada.
“With CS6 we are also introducing new products, new mobile workflows and advanced publishing capabilities that shows our focus on ensuring design, Web and video professionals have everything they need for the delivery of high-impact content and apps,” said David Wadhwani, Senior Vice President, Digital Media, Adobe.

India’s media and entertainment industry is expected to register a CAGR of 15 percent to reach Rs 1,457 billion by 2016, according to a recent FICCI-KPMG report

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Oracle upgrades standard Java, JavaFX


Java garbage collection, which helps with memory management by reclaiming programming objects, is being improved in JDK. "The Java SE 7 Update 4 JDK includes the next-generation garbage collection algorithm, Garbage First (G1), which has been eagerly anticipated by the Java developer community. G1 provides predictable garbage collection even for very large applications
JavaFX 2.1 introduces playback support for digital media stored in the MPEG-4 multimedia format containing J.264/AVC video and Advanced Audio Coding (AVC) audio. WebView support for JavaScript to Java method calls allow a user to render HTML/JavaScript. Also, users can allow JavaScript in WebView to make calls to Java APIs to offload specific operations to Java. Version 2.1 adds enhanced font rendering for modern LCDs with Windows-style LCD subpixel rendering. User interface enhancements in version 2.1 include controls for combo box, stacked chart, and applicationwide menu bar.
Oracle also is announcing a public early access for JavaFX Scene Builder, a visual layout tool that enables designing of UI screens by dragging and positioning UI components from a palette onto a scene. JavaFX is available for Windows and Mac OS X, while a developer preview for Linux also is being offered
 Oracle on Thursday is releasing updates to the standard edition ofJava and the JavaFX rich client application platform, including the first delivery of the Java Development Kit and JavaFX Software Development Kit for Mac OS X. The latest enhancements for Java garbage collection and the Java Virtual Machine are featured as well.
The company is making available Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 7 Update 4 and JavaFX 2.1. Java developers, Oracle said, can download Oracle's JDK, which includes the JavaFX SDK for MacOS X from the Oracle Technology Network. Java SE 7 Update 4 and JavaFX 2.1 run on Windows, too. The company plans to release a consumer version of Java SE 7, complete with the Java Runtime Environment, for Mac OS X later this…….
The OpenJDK Community, Oracle said, hosts development of Java SE 7 on Mac OS X and JDK 8, which is the prototype reference implementation of Java SE 8. Oracle has started the OpenJFX project as part of its plan to open-source the JavaFX platform.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

.New Technology Rocks the Online World

A new technology has been released that has completely rocked the online world! 

Every now and then, someone releases a new product or gadget that makes the rest obsolete. Those are rare, and hard to find

Dave Guindon an under the radar software developer/marketer, who is actually one of the most brilliant software designers for developing software tools that save you time and make you money has just released a new tiny but powerful web script called “Exit Splash” that increases your website sales almost instantly!

Internet Marketers who have been fortunate enough to test it out before it was launched have been raving about it.

The results have been impressive to say the least. The script essentially turns non-buying website visitors into happy customers. Its a very cool and clever way to produce new leads and sales.

   Michael Cheney is one of the most-respected names in the field of Internet marketing.

 Michael Cheney who is very well known in the Internet marketing community and admired by many tested Dave’s script for one of his recent website launches. He reported back that the results were nothing short of stunning, and that he added over 20,000 subscribers.Another top online traffic expert, Michael Jones, tested Dave’s script and was able to increase his customer signup rate by 325%!

 When it comes to internet marketing today, most marketers know how to and understand just how important it is to keep up with the trends.

 This technology is so new that it sounds like science fiction! But be assured… it’s real, and it works.Even if you have a “good” converting sales page, you probably have 95 out of 100 visitors leaving your site without taking any action. When one looks at this perspective with that in mind, it can be quite disturbing to see what is at stake.

Exit Splash is the world’s first super-tiny script that can prevent website abandonment by up to 325% and a great way to tap into that lost traffic by adding it to your website.

Monday, 23 April 2012

IBM on path to cut internal apps by 85% IBM CIO Jeanette Horan (Photo: IBM)

  IBM has reduced its number of internal applications by 70%, but that's not enough for CIO Jeanette Horan.
When the company started its consolidation effort, it had about 16,000 applications. It has since cut that number to 4,500, "but it's still too many," Horan said.Horan has given her IT team the task of cutting the number of remaining applications in half by the end of 2015. That would result in an overall reduction of about 85% from the original 16,000. 
IBM's goal is to have common global applications across all business units.
If you've got different applications in different countries, you don't have a global process," said Horan, who was appointed to her post one year ago.
              The IT department provides employees with virtual server space and middleware to develop their own applications to serve specific needs. IBM has 100,000 registered users in the program. In some cases, these app projects may lead to something that the IT department will support in a production environment or may even turn up as a feature in a software product, said Horan
Admin :: Balwant